External bindings

This sections describes the Gpufit bindings to other programming languages. The bindings (to Python, Matlab or Java) aim to emulate the C Interface as closely as possible.

Most high level languages feature multidimensional numeric arrays. In the bindings implemented for Matlab and Python, we adopt the convention that the input data should be organized as a 2D array, with one dimension corresponding to the number of data points per fit, and the other corresponding to the number of fits. Internally, in memory, these arrays should always be ordered such that the data values for each fit are kept together. In Matlab, for example, this means storing the data in an array with dimensions [number_points_per_fit, number_fits]. In this manner, the data in memory is ordered in the same way that is expected by the Gpufit C interface, and there is no need to copy or otherwise re-organize the data before passing it to the GPU. The same convention is used for the weights, the initial model parameters, and the output parameters.

In Java we pre-allocate one dimensional FloatBuffers or IntBuffers for the data and the fit results. The user is responsible for copying data into these buffers.

Unlike the C interface, the external bindings do not require the number of fits and the number of data points per fit to be specified explicitly. Instead, these numbers are inferred from the dimensions of the 2D input arrays.

Optional parameters with default values

The external bindings make some input parameters optional. The optional parameters are shown here. They are kept the same for all bindings.


default value 1e-4


default value 25 iterations


the default estimator is LSE as defined in constants.h


by default all parameters are fit

For instructions on how to specify these parameters explicitly, see the sections below.


The Gpufit binding for Python is a project named pyGpufit. This project contains a Python package named pygpufit, which contains a module gpufit, and this module implements a method called fit. Calling this method is equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit() of the Gpufit library. The package expects the input data to be stored as NumPy array. NumPy follows row-major order by default.


Wheel files for Python 2.X and 3.X on Windows 32/64 bit are included in the binary package. NumPy is required.

Install the wheel file with.

pip install --no-index --find-links=LocalPathToWheelFile pyGpufit

Python Interface


The signature of the fit method (equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit()) is

def fit(data, weights, model_id:ModelID, initial_parameters, tolerance:float=None, max_number_iterations:int=None, parameters_to_fit=None, estimator_id:EstimatorID=None, user_info=None):

Optional parameters are passed in as None. The numbers of points, fits and parameters is deduced from the dimensions of the input data and initial parameters arrays.

Input parameters


Data 2D NumPy array of shape (number_fits, number_points) and data type np.float32


Weights 2D NumPy array of shape (number_fits, number_points) and data type np.float32 (same as data)


None indicates that no weights are available


Fit tolerance




If None, the default value will be used.


Maximal number of iterations




If None, the default value will be used.


estimator ID


EstimatorID which is an Enum in the same module and defined analogously to constants.h.


If None, the default value is used.


model ID


ModelID which is an Enum in the same module and defined analogously to constants.h.


Initial parameters 2D NumPy array of shape (number_fits, number_parameter)

array data type:



parameters to fit 1D NumPy array of length number_parameter A zero indicates that this parameter should not be fitted, everything else means it should be fitted.

array data type:



If None, the default value is used.


user info 1D NumPy array of arbitrary type. The length in bytes is deduced automatically.


If None, no user_info is assumed.

Output parameters


Fitted parameters for each fit 2D NumPy array of shape (number_fits, number_parameter) and data type np.float32


Fit result states for each fit 1D NumPy array of length number_parameter of data type np.int32 As defined in constants.h:


\(\chi^2\) values for each fit 1D NumPy array of length number_parameter of data type np.float32


Number of iterations done for each fit 1D NumPy array of length number_parameter of data type np.int32


Execution time of call to fit In seconds.

Errors are raised if checks on parameters fail or if the execution of fit failed.


The fit_constrained method is very similar to the fit method with the additional possibility to specify parameter constraints.

The signature of the fit_constrained method (equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit_constrained()) is

def fit_constrained(data, weights, model_id:ModelID, initial_parameters, constraints=None, constraint_types=None, tolerance:float=None, max_number_iterations:int=None, parameters_to_fit=None, estimator_id:EstimatorID=None, user_info=None):

Constraint input parameters


Constraint bound intervals for every parameter and every fit. 2D NumPy array of shape (number_fits, 2*number_parameter) and data type np.float32


Constraint types for every parameter 1D NumPy array of length number_parameter Valid values are defined in gf.ConstraintType


The signature of the get_last_error method (equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit_get_last_error) is

def get_last_error():

Returns a string representing the error message of the last occurred error.


The signature of the cuda_available method (equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit_cuda_available) is

def cuda_available():

Returns True if CUDA is available and False otherwise.


The signature of the get_cuda_version method (equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit_get_cuda_version) is

def get_cuda_version():

Output parameters

runtime version:

Tuple of (Major version, Minor version)

driver version:

Tuple of (Major version, Minor version)

An error is raised if the execution failed (i.e. because CUDA is not available).

Python Examples

2D Gaussian peak example

An example can be found at Python Gauss2D example. It is equivalent to Example of 2D Gaussian fits.

The essential imports are:

import numpy as np
import pygpufit.gpufit as gf

First we test for availability of CUDA as well as CUDA driver and runtime versions.

# cuda available checks
print('CUDA available: {}'.format(gf.cuda_available()))
print('CUDA versions runtime: {}, driver: {}'.format(*gf.get_cuda_version()))

The true parameters describing an example 2D Gaussian peak functions are:

# true parameters
true_parameters = np.array((10, 5.5, 5.5, 3, 10), dtype=np.float32)

A 2D grid of x and y positions can conveniently be generated using the np.meshgrid function:

# generate x and y values
g = np.arange(size_x)
yi, xi = np.meshgrid(g, g, indexing='ij')
xi = xi.astype(np.float32)
yi = yi.astype(np.float32)

Using these positions and the true parameter values a model function can be calculated as

def generate_gauss_2d(p, xi, yi):
    Generates a 2D Gaussian peak.

    :param p: Parameters (amplitude, x,y center position, width, offset)
    :param xi: x positions
    :param yi: y positions
    :return: The Gaussian 2D peak.

    arg = -(np.square(xi - p[1]) + np.square(yi - p[2])) / (2*p[3]*p[3])
    y = p[0] * np.exp(arg) + p[4]

    return y

The model function can be repeated and noise can be added using the np.tile and np.random.poisson functions.

# generate data
data = generate_gauss_2d(true_parameters, xi, yi)
data = np.reshape(data, (1, number_points))
data = np.tile(data, (number_fits, 1))

# add Poisson noise
data = np.random.poisson(data)
data = data.astype(np.float32)

The model and estimator IDs can be set as

# estimator ID
estimator_id = gf.EstimatorID.MLE

# model ID
model_id = gf.ModelID.GAUSS_2D

When all input parameters are set we can call the C interface of Gpufit.

# run Gpufit
parameters, states, chi_squares, number_iterations, execution_time = gf.fit(data, None, model_id, initial_parameters, tolerance, max_number_iterations, None, estimator_id, None)

And finally statistics about the results of the fits can be displayed where the mean and standard deviation of the fitted parameters are limited to those fits that converged.

# print fit results

# get fit states
converged = states == 0
number_converged = np.sum(converged)
print('ratio converged         {:6.2f} %'.format(number_converged / number_fits * 100))
print('ratio max it. exceeded  {:6.2f} %'.format(np.sum(states == 1) / number_fits * 100))
print('ratio singular hessian  {:6.2f} %'.format(np.sum(states == 2) / number_fits * 100))
print('ratio neg curvature MLE {:6.2f} %'.format(np.sum(states == 3) / number_fits * 100))
print('ratio gpu not read      {:6.2f} %'.format(np.sum(states == 4) / number_fits * 100))

# mean, std of fitted parameters
converged_parameters = parameters[converged, :]
converged_parameters_mean = np.mean(converged_parameters, axis=0)
converged_parameters_std = np.std(converged_parameters, axis=0)

for i in range(number_parameters):
    print('p{} true {:6.2f} mean {:6.2f} std {:6.2f}'.format(i, true_parameters[i], converged_parameters_mean[i], converged_parameters_std[i]))

# print summary
print('model ID: {}'.format(model_id))
print('number of fits: {}'.format(number_fits))
print('fit size: {} x {}'.format(size_x, size_x))
print('mean chi_square: {:.2f}'.format(np.mean(chi_squares[converged])))
print('iterations: {:.2f}'.format(np.mean(number_iterations[converged])))
print('time: {:.2f} s'.format(execution_time))

2D Gaussian peak constrained fit example

An example for a constrained fit can be found at Python Gauss2D constrained fit example. It differs from the previous example only in that constraints are specified additionally (as 2D array of lower and upper bounds on parameters for every fit) as well as constraint types (for all parameters including fixed parameters) that can take a value of ConstraintType (FREE, LOWER, UPPER or LOWER_UPPER) in order to either do not enforce the constraints for a parameter or enforce them only at the lower or upper or both bounds.

The following code block demonstrates how the sigma of a 2D Gaussian peak can be constrained to the interval [2.9, 3.1] and the background and ampltiude to non-negative values.

# set constraints
constraints = np.zeros((number_fits, 2*number_parameters), dtype=np.float32)
constraints[:, 6] = 2.9
constraints[:, 7] = 3.1
constraint_types = np.array([gf.ConstraintType.LOWER, gf.ConstraintType.FREE, gf.ConstraintType.FREE, gf.ConstraintType.LOWER_UPPER, gf.ConstraintType.LOWER], dtype=np.int32)

# run constrained Gpufit
parameters, states, chi_squares, number_iterations, execution_time = gf.fit_constrained(data, None, model_id,
                                                                            initial_parameters, constraints, constraint_types,
                                                                            tolerance, max_number_iterations, None,
                                                                            estimator_id, None)


The Matlab binding for Gpufit is a Matlab script (gpufit.m). This script checks the input data, sets default parameters, and calls the C interface of the Gpufit library, via a compiled .mex file.

Please note, that before using the Matlab binding, the path to gpufit.m must be added to the Matlab path.

If other GPU-based computations are to be performed with Matlab in the same session, please use the Matlab GPU computing functionality first (for example with a call to gpuDevice or gpuArray) before calling the Gpufit Matlab binding. If this is not done, Matlab will throw an error (Error using gpuArray An unexpected error occurred during CUDA execution. The CUDA error was: cannot set while device is active in this process).

Matlab Interface


Optional parameters are passed in as empty matrices ([]). The numbers of points, fits and parameters is deduced from the dimensions of the input data and initial parameters matrices.

The signature of the gpufit function is

function [parameters, states, chi_squares, n_iterations, time] = gpufit(data, weights, model_id, initial_parameters, tolerance, max_n_iterations, parameters_to_fit, estimator_id, user_info)

Input parameters


Data 2D matrix of size [number_points, number_fits] and data type single


Weights 2D matrix of size [number_points, number_fits] and data type single (same as data)


None indicates that no weights are available


Fit tolerance




If empty ([]), the default value will be used.


Maximal number of iterations Will be converted to int32 if necessary


If empty ([]), the default value will be used.


estimator ID


EstimatorID which is defined in EstimatorID.m analogously to constants.h.


If empty ([]), the default value is used.


model ID


ModelID which is defined in ModelID.m analogously to constants.h.


Initial parameters 2D matrix of size: [number_parameter, number_fits]




parameters to fit vector of length number_parameter, will be converted to int32 if necessary A zero indicates that this parameter should not be fitted, everything else means it should be fitted.


If empty ([]), the default value is used.


user info vector of suitable type (correct type is not checked and depends on the chosen fit model function or estimator). The length of user_info in bytes is determined automatically.

Output parameters


Fitted parameters for each fit 2D matrix of size: [number_parameter, number_fits] of data type single


Fit result states for each fit vector of length number_parameter of data type int32 As defined in constants.h:


\(\chi^2\) values for each fit vector of length number_parameter of data type single


Number of iterations done for each fit vector of length number_parameter of data type int32


Execution time of call to gpufit In seconds.

Errors are raised if checks on parameters fail or if the execution of gpufit fails.


The gpufit_constrained function is very similar to the gpufit function with the additional possibility to specify parameter constraints.

The signature of the gpufit_constrained function is

function [parameters, states, chi_squares, n_iterations, time] = gpufit_constrained(data, weights, model_id, initial_parameters, constraints, constraint_types, tolerance, max_n_iterations, parameters_to_fit, estimator_id, user_info)

Constraint input parameters


Constraint bound intervals for every parameter and every fit 2D matrix of size [2*number_parameter, number_fits] of data type single


Constraint types for every parameter Vector of length number_parameter, will be converted to int32 if necessary. Valid values are defined in ConstraintType.m.


The signature of the gputfit_cuda_available method (equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit_cuda_available) is

function r = gpufit_cuda_available():

Returns True if CUDA is available and False otherwise.

Matlab Examples

Simple example

The most simple example is the Matlab simple example. It is equivalent to Simple example (minimal call to gpufit()) and additionally relies on default values for optional arguments.

2D Gaussian peak example

An example can be found at Matlab Gauss2D example. It is equivalent to Example of 2D Gaussian fits.

The true parameters describing an example 2D Gaussian peak functions are:

% true parameters
true_parameters = single([10, 5.5, 5.5, 3, 10]);

A 2D grid of x and y positions can conveniently be generated using the ndgrid function:

% generate x and y values
g = single(0 : size_x - 1);
[x, y] = ndgrid(g, g);

Using these positions and the true parameter values a model function can be calculated as

function g = gaussian_2d(x, y, p)
% Generates a 2D Gaussian peak.
% http://gpufit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#gauss-2d
% x,y - x and y grid position values
% p - parameters (amplitude, x,y center position, width, offset)

g = p(1) * exp(-((x - p(2)).^2 + (y - p(3)).^2) / (2 * p(4)^2)) + p(5);


The model function can be repeated and noise can be added using the repmat and poissrnd functions.

% generate data with Poisson noise
data = gaussian_2d(x, y, true_parameters);
data = repmat(data(:), [1, number_fits]);
data = poissrnd(data);

The model and estimator IDs can be set as

% estimator id
estimator_id = EstimatorID.MLE;

% model ID
model_id = ModelID.GAUSS_2D;

When all input parameters are set we can call the C interface of the Gpufit library.

%% run Gpufit
[parameters, states, chi_squares, n_iterations, time] = gpufit(data, [], model_id, initial_parameters, tolerance, max_n_iterations, [], estimator_id, []);

And finally statistics about the results of the fits can be displayed where the mean and standard deviation of the fitted parameters are limited to those fits that converged.

%% displaying results

% get fit states
converged = states == 0;
number_converged = sum(converged);
fprintf(' ratio converged         %6.2f %%\n', number_converged / number_fits * 100);
fprintf(' ratio max it. exceeded  %6.2f %%\n', sum(states == 1) / number_fits * 100);
fprintf(' ratio singular hessian  %6.2f %%\n', sum(states == 2) / number_fits * 100);
fprintf(' ratio neg curvature MLE %6.2f %%\n', sum(states == 3) / number_fits * 100);
fprintf(' ratio gpu not read      %6.2f %%\n', sum(states == 4) / number_fits * 100);

% mean and std of fitted parameters
converged_parameters = parameters(:, converged);
converged_parameters_mean = mean(converged_parameters, 2);
converged_parameters_std  = std(converged_parameters, [], 2);
for i = 1 : number_parameters
    fprintf(' p%d true %6.2f mean %6.2f std %6.2f\n', i, true_parameters(i), converged_parameters_mean(i), converged_parameters_std(i));

% print summary
fprintf('model ID: %d\n', model_id);
fprintf('number of fits: %d\n', number_fits);
fprintf('fit size: %d x %d\n', size_x, size_x);
fprintf('mean chi-square: %6.2f\n', mean(chi_squares(converged)));
fprintf('iterations: %6.2f\n', mean(n_iterations(converged)));
fprintf('time: %6.2f s\n', time);

2D Gaussian peak constrained fit example

An example for a constrained fit can be found at Matlab Gauss2D constrained fit example. It differs from the previous example only in that constraints are specified additionally (as 2D array of lower and upper bounds on parameters for every fit) as well as constraint types (for all parameters including fixed parameters) that can take a value of ConstraintType (FREE, LOWER, UPPER or LOWER_UPPER) in order to either do not enforce the constraints for a parameter or enforce them only at the lower or upper or both bounds.

The following code block demonstrates how the sigma of a 2D Gaussian peak can be constrained to the interval [2.9, 3.1] and the background and amplitude to non-negative values.

%% set constraints
constraints = zeros([2*number_parameters, number_fits], 'single');
constraints(7, :) = 2.9;
constraints(8, :) = 3.1;
constraint_types = int32([ConstraintType.LOWER, ConstraintType.FREE, ConstraintType.FREE, ConstraintType.LOWER_UPPER, ConstraintType.LOWER]);

%% run constrained Gpufit
[parameters, states, chi_squares, n_iterations, time] = gpufit_constrained(data, [], ...
    model_id, initial_parameters, constraints, constraint_types, tolerance, max_n_iterations, [], estimator_id, []);


The Gpufit binding for Java consists of a small adapter C library named GpufitJNI and a Gpufit jar archive containing a com.github.gpufit package. In these the class Gpufit has static methods largely equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit() of the Gpufit library. The fit method expects the input to be given as a FitModel instance, which among other things specifies the model and the estimator as enums. The results are returned as a FitResult instance.


Build the Gpufit library and the GpufitJNI library from source as documented in Installation and Testing. Make sure both libraries are in the Java library path, for example by using the -Djava.library.path comman line switch for the VM.

Build the Gpufit.jar from the sources using Gradle on Gpufit/java/gpufit/build.gradle. Make sure this jar is in the Java class path of your application, e.g. by adding it as a dependency to your project

Java Interface

For a more complete description, see the Javadoc output of the Gpufit Java binding project.


The signature of the fit method (calls the C interface function gpufit()) is

public static FitResult fit(FitModel fitModel, FitResult fitResult)

Input parameters are given as a FitModel, output parameters are stored in a FitResult. A FitResult can be re-used if the number of fits and the number of parameters of the model didn’t change. It must then also be given as second parameter.

Input of the fit - Filling the FitModel

public FitModel(int numberFits, int numberPoints, boolean withWeights, Model model, Float tolerance, Integer maxNumberIterations, Boolean[] parametersToFit, Estimator estimator, int userInfoSize)

Number of fits


Number of data points per fit


If true, a buffer for giving weights is pre-allocated, otherwise not


An enum describing the model. See class Model for more information. Naming and id is equivalent to the C code.


Fit tolerance


If null, the default value will be used.


Maximal number of iterations


If null, the default value will be used.


Boolean array indicating which parameters should be fitted


If null, the default value will be used.


Enum describing the estimator function. See class Estimator for more information. Naming and id is equivalent to the C code.


If None, the default value is used.


The size of the user info (in bytes).


Must be positive, otherwise the buffer for user info is not pre-allocated.

Afterwards the buffers for data, weights (if desired), initial parameters and user info (if desired) must be filled with the appropriate content. The internal layout is the same as in the C part of Gpufit, i.e. the data represents an 1D number array of length of number fits times number data points per fit with an order of data points followed one after another for all fits. In this batch. The initial parameters are number fits times number of parameters in the model with the parameters for each fit changing fastest and the number of fits slowest.

Fit output - The FitResult

Memory for the fit output is either created automatically or a previous instance of FitResult can be reused to avoid recreation.

public class FitResult {

    public final FloatBuffer parameters;
    public final IntBuffer states;
    public final FloatBuffer chiSquares;
    public final IntBuffer numberIterations;
    public float fitDuration;

Fitted parameters for each fit


Fit result states for each fit As defined in constants.h:


\(\chi^2\) values for each fit


Number of iterations done for each fit


Execution time of call to fit In seconds.

Errors are raised if checks on parameters fail or if the execution of fit failed.


The signature of the get_last_error method (equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit_get_last_error) is

public static native String getLastError()

Returns a string representing the error message of the last occurred error.


The signature of the cuda_available method (equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit_cuda_available) is

public static native boolean isCudaAvailable()

Returns True if CUDA is available and False otherwise.


The signature of the get_cuda_version method (equivalent to calling the C interface function gpufit_get_cuda_version) is

public static CudaVersion getCudaVersion()

The output is a CudaVersion instance with two simple member variables.

runtime version:

String of “Major version.Minor version”

driver version:

String of “Major version.Minor version”

An error is raised if the execution failed (i.e. because CUDA is not available).

Java Example

2D Gaussian peak example

An example can be found at Java Gauss2D example. It is equivalent to Example of 2D Gaussian fits.

First we test for availability of CUDA as well as CUDA driver and runtime versions.

// print general CUDA information
System.out.println(String.format("CUDA available: %b", Gpufit.isCudaAvailable()));
CudaVersion cudaVersion = Gpufit.getCudaVersion();
System.out.println(String.format("CUDA versions runtime: %s, driver: %s", cudaVersion.runtime, cudaVersion.driver));

The model and estimator IDs can be set as

Model model = Model.GAUSS_2D;
Estimator estimator = Estimator.MLE;

The true parameters describing an example 2D Gaussian peak functions are:

// true parameters (order: amplitude, center-x, center-y, width, offset)
float[] trueParameters = new float[]{10, 5.5f, 5.5f, 3, 10};

A 2D grid of x and y positions can conveniently be generated:

// generate x and y values
float[] xi = new float[numberPoints];
float[] yi = new float[numberPoints];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < sizeX; j++) {
        xi[i * sizeX + j] = i;
        yi[i * sizeX + j] = j;

Using these positions and the true parameter values a model function can be calculated as

 * Computes a 2D Gaussian peak given x and y values and parameters.
 * See also: http://gpufit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#gauss-2d
 * @param p Parameter array
 * @param x x values array
 * @param y y values array
 * @return Model values array
private static float[] generateGauss2D(float[] p, float[] x, float[] y) {
    // checks
    assert(x.length == y.length);
    assert(p.length == 5);

    // calculate data
    float[] data = new float[x.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
        float arg = -((x[i] - p[1]) * (x[i] - p[1]) + (y[i] - p[2]) * (y[i] - p[2])) / (2 * p[3] * p[3]);
        data[i] = p[0] * (float)Math.exp(arg) + p[4];
    return data;

The model function can be repeated and Poisson noise can be added.

// generate data
float[] gauss2D = generateGauss2D(trueParameters, xi, yi);
float[] data = new float[numberFits * numberPoints];
for (int i = 0; i < numberFits; i++) {
    System.arraycopy(gauss2D, 0, data, i * numberPoints, numberPoints);

// add Poisson noise
for (int i = 0; i < numberFits * numberPoints; i++) {
    data[i] = nextPoisson(data[i], rand);

A FitModel containing all the input data including copying the data values from an array to a Java buffer can be done via

// assemble FitModel
FitModel fitModel = new FitModel(numberFits, numberPoints, false, model, tolerance, maxNumberIterations, null, estimator, 0);

// fill data and initial parameters in the fit model

When all input parameters are set we can call the C interface of Gpufit.

// fun Gpufit
FitResult fitResult = Gpufit.fit(fitModel);

And finally statistics about the results of the fits can be displayed where the mean and standard deviation of the fitted parameters are limited to those fits that converged.

// count FitState outcomes and get a list of those who converged
boolean[] converged = new boolean[numberFits];
int numberConverged = 0, numberMaxIterationExceeded = 0, numberSingularHessian = 0, numberNegativeCurvatureMLE = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberFits; i++) {
    FitState fitState = FitState.fromID(fitResult.states.get(i));
    converged[i] = fitState.equals(FitState.CONVERGED);
    switch (fitState) {
        case CONVERGED:
        case MAX_ITERATIONS:
        case SINGULAR_HESSIAN:
        case NEG_CURVATURE_MLE:

// get mean and std of converged parameters
float [] convergedParameterMean = new float[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
float [] convergedParameterStd = new float[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < numberFits; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < model.numberParameters; j++) {
        if (converged[i]) {
            convergedParameterMean[j] += fitResult.parameters.get(i * model.numberParameters + j);
for (int i = 0; i < model.numberParameters; i++) {
    convergedParameterMean[i] /= numberConverged;
for (int i = 0; i < numberFits; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < model.numberParameters; j++) {
        if (converged[i]) {
            float dev = fitResult.parameters.get(i * model.numberParameters + j) - convergedParameterMean[j];
            convergedParameterStd[j] += dev * dev;
for (int i = 0; i < model.numberParameters; i++) {
    convergedParameterStd[i] = (float)Math.sqrt(convergedParameterStd[i] / numberConverged);

// print fit results
System.out.println(String.format("Model: %s", model.name()));
System.out.println(String.format("Number of fits: %d", numberFits));
System.out.println(String.format("Fit size: %d x %d", sizeX, sizeX));
System.out.println(String.format("Mean Chi²: %.2f", meanFloatBuffer(fitResult.chiSquares, converged)));
System.out.println(String.format("Mean  number iterations: %.2f", meanIntBuffer(fitResult.numberIterations, converged)));
System.out.println(String.format("Time: %.2fs", fitResult.fitDuration));
System.out.println(String.format("Ratio converged: %.2f %%", (float) numberConverged / numberFits * 100));
System.out.println(String.format("Ratio max it. exceeded: %.2f %%", (float) numberMaxIterationExceeded / numberFits * 100));
System.out.println(String.format("Ratio singular Hessian: %.2f %%", (float) numberSingularHessian / numberFits * 100));
System.out.println(String.format("Ratio neg. curvature MLE: %.2f %%", (float) numberNegativeCurvatureMLE / numberFits * 100));

System.out.println("\nParameters of 2D Gaussian peak");
for (int i = 0; i < model.numberParameters; i++) {
    System.out.println(String.format("parameter %d, true: %.2f, mean %.2f, std: %.2f", i, trueParameters[i], convergedParameterMean[i], convergedParameterStd[i]));